Devlog #0 - Pre-alpha release

Alright, here is Court of Ire, a fun little JRPG game I've been working on for the past month. I'm hoping to make periodic posts like this to discuss the game as it progresses. Admittedly, I'm at a slow point in development so I'm hoping getting some eyes on this game will inspire me to work on it some more.

So this game is powered by QX82, a really awesome JavaScript game engine. I started tinkering around with the "overworld" example that is on their website and just kept adding more and more from there. Here are a few of the features:

- JRPG combat system, with encounter rates and very simple enemy AI for parrying and charge attacks
- Inventory system, with working menu and items. Only a few items exist right now but more will be added later
- Dialog system with dynamic window placement and sizing (basically none of the story is written yet lol)
- Shop system with easily adjusted stock
- Basic warping system using "shrines" (they look like gravestones in towns) and the Phoenix Feather item

There are some other smaller features too (like toggling audio on/off, etc). 

But yeah, I'm hoping to expand this game some more. I'd like to also release the source code one day to share with everyone once I have it cleaned up and in a more finalized state.

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